Si Buta dari Gua Hantu (translated as Blind Man from the Ghost Cave) is a popular Indonesian horror-comedy comic series created by Asrul Sani. The series follows the adventures of a blind man named Si Buta and his sidekick, a talking pit bull named Bingung (Confused), as they explore a cave filled with ghosts and monsters.
The series has been running since 1993 and is currently being published by Elex Media Komputindo. It is the most popular comic series in Indonesia and has been adapted into films, television shows, and video games.
The story follows Si Buta, a blind man, and Bingung, a talking pit bull, as they explore the mysterious Ghost Cave. The cave is filled with monsters, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures. Si Buta and Bingung must use their wits to outsmart the monsters and find their way out of the cave.
Si Buta and Bingung must also face their own inner demons as they confront their pasts and the secrets of the Ghost Cave. Along the way, they meet many strange and wonderful characters who help them on their journey.
The comic series is beloved by readers of all ages and has been praised for its humorous take on horror and supernatural stories. It is a great example of how horror and comedy can be blended together to create an entertaining and unique story. Si Buta dari Gua Hantu is a must-read for any fan of horror-comedy!
Si Buta dari Gua Hantu (translated as Blind Man from the Ghost Cave) is a popular Indonesian horror-comedy comic series created by Asrul Sani. The series follows the adventures of a blind man named Si Buta and his sidekick, a talking pit bull named Bingung (Confused), as they explore a cave filled with ghosts and monsters.
The series has been running since 1993 and is currently being published by Elex Media Komputindo. It is the most popular comic series in Indonesia and has been adapted into films, television shows, and video games.
The story follows Si Buta, a blind man, and Bingung, a talking pit bull, as they explore the mysterious Ghost Cave. The cave is filled with monsters, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures. Si Buta and Bingung must use their wits to outsmart the monsters and find their way out of the cave.
Si Buta and Bingung must also face their own inner demons as they confront their pasts and the secrets of the Ghost Cave. Along the way, they meet many strange and wonderful characters who help them on their journey.
The comic series is beloved by readers of all ages and has been praised for its humorous take on horror and supernatural stories. It is a great example of how horror and comedy can be blended together to create an entertaining and unique story. Si Buta dari Gua Hantu is a must-read for any fan of horror-comedy!
Ceritane Wong
Agustus 28, 2023
Bandung Indonesia
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